Research - If your study is a research project, then go to the OneTrac web page and submit your project to the applicable Research PROC.  There are additional resources on this page to help you determine which PROC is appropriate for your project.

QI -If your study is a QI project, then go to the Onetrac web page and submit your project to the applicable QI PROC.  There are additional resources on this page to help you determine which PROC is appropriate for you project.

NHSR - If you think your study qualifies for NHSR, then go to the applicable Research or QI PROC on the OneTrac web page.  That committee will be able to review your project and provide you with a final determination of NHSR.  If the committee determines your project to be human subjects research or changes the type of project from research to QI or vice-versa, they will reach out to you to provide guidance on next steps.